Pope Skateboard Team
Jon Interview


Pope Forum
Pope X Studios
Aron Interview
Jonathan Murray
Jeff Riffe
Pope Voting Poll

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Q. What is yo name?
Jonathon Murray
Q. When did you start skating?
3 years ago
Q. Why do you skate?
Because it hurts.
Q. Board?
Zoo York, Krux trucks, black magic tape, zero wheels, and crappy bearings.
Q. Who inspires you the most in skating?
Andrew Reynolds
Q The coolest pope skater?
Jeff Riffe
Q What gets you pumped?
uh, my skateboard
Q Can your drive?
Q What do you drive?
Q Who has the best style?
Q Why are you a looser?
Because i skate?
Q What is the best trick you have seen a pope team member pull?
Jeff- 360 flip
Q Shoe company?
Gnarly boots!

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